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Thursday, September 26, 2013

5 Bridal Weight Loss Simple Tips - Small Changes = BIG Weight Loss

* Bridal Weight Loss Tip #1 = Grocery shop healthy. Skip the pop and chip isles!

* Bridal Weight Loss Tip #2 = Plan what to eat for the week so you can stop thinking about food.

* Bridal Weight Loss Tip #3 = 2 oz of lean protein like chicken, acts as an appetite suppressant.

* Bridal Weight Loss Tip #4 = Keep the freezer full of quick to fix microwave Weight Watcher meals.

* Bridal Weight Loss Tip #5 = Weight Watcher's Giant Fudge Bars are terrific for the cravings.

When it comes to losing weight, the more you know, the more you lose. Knowledge is POWER! Learn what works for your body. When a little weight creeps on your hips you'll know exactly why and what to do about it.

If ALL season long you have been drinking water, getting some exercise and making steps toward a healthier life, then when the next season gets here, you won't have to be so drastic in your weight loss efforts.

Start taking the small steps toward change . . . the steps vital to the process of ridding your life of the old and implementing the new. A journey begins with one step.

Are you aware of how you became overweight? Do you have any clue what needs to change and why? Your wedding day isn't the only reason you need to lose weight, and after the wedding you should not throw in the towel and go back to all of your bad habits.

You are not a bad person if you cannot stick to a restrictive diet. Habits are hard to break, especially if you try to overhaul your whole life in one shot. Simple small changes are the better option in the long run. Build a good foundation one good habit at a time. You will lose the weight as the bad habits die out.

The best diets are those that do allow for some flexibility and personalization. They are easy to follow and understand, with easily obtained food and that is easy to prepare.

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